In a fit of anal-retentive organizational flurry I’ve decided to introduce a rating system to my movie reviews. I’m sure people who thought my rant about Sunday Times’s reviews was unfair will appreciate the cruel irony. Anyway, meet my ”How Much To Pay When Renting This Movie With A Group Of Friends” rating system.

  • = Do not watch this movie voluntarily. Use pejorative language with people who like stuff like this
  • € € = Try to convince your friends not to rent it and in no case pay anything for it
  • € € € = Pay your share and watch the movie once
  • € € € € = Pay for the full rental and try to persuade others to see the movie
  • € € € € € = Buy the movie, carry it around with you and offer to show it to anyone you happen to meet. Anywhere. Friend and foe alike

Clever people have already noticed that this is the same system I use to rank my DVDs.